Private Landlord
Initial 2 Months & 
Now Ongoing Maintenance
Kenny Heaney

We were approached by a private landlord, who owns and rents out a small office block within Essex, for initially some advice regarding his recent Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) Report. His first statement was "help". The report highlighted several failures of the current fire alarm system, somewhat overwhelming for the client. We spoke through the report with the client and helped him better understand what works would be required for the system to be compliant. After much consideration, it was agreed a whole new addressable fire alarm system should be installed. We proposed a detailed design for the new system and provided the client with a comprehensive system overview. This proposal was quickly agreed and a complete new fire alarm system was installed to all parts of the office block, including all plant rooms. 
On successful completion of this project, we have now been awarded a two year maintenance contract with the client for this building. 

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